World Class University
Knowledge Management System

Ranking Portal
QS Hub is a data collection portal to submit data for various types of QS rankings including QS World University Rankings and QS Graduate Employability Rankings. THE Portal is a data collection portal to submit data for various types of THE rankings including THE World University Rankings and THE University Impact Rankings.
Important SI
Sistem Informasi Manajemen Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja (SIMABEKA) Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan (SIMKEU) is an information system used to manage financial data, specifically the process of budget realization and the principal financial statements. Integration of information systems on the procurement of goods and services. SI that are often used are SIMPEL and SIRENCANG. SIMPEL is a system that includes Direct e-Procurement and Purchasing Systems under or equal to 50 million. While SIRENCANG is for procurement over 50 million. Sistem Electronic Legal Drafting (ELEGAN) is an information system that facilitates the preparation and monitoring of internal regulation, online and real time, and becomes the University's online database provider of internal regulation data. Sistem Informasi Terintegrasi (SIMASTER) is an information system that integrates various information resources at UGM. Through the SIMASTER login page, UGM employees can also access personal accounts that were previously accessed through the HRIS, an UGM HR information system. Sistem Internal Electronic Mailing System (InEMS) is an information system that was built to accommodate formal correspondence within UGM (dispositions, memos, etc.). Taking the letter number for the signature of the University’s heads can also be done through this information system by previously authorizing an account. For letters signed by the internal heads of the Quality Assurance Office (KJM), the letter number used still uses the number compiled by the KJM Secretariat. Ask the technical staff to authorize your SIMASTER account to enter the system. The meeting room booking service at KPTU UGM is centered in the Bagian Tata Usaha dan Rumah Tangga (TURT) using the information system and phone line provided. Login page for updating the WCU website. Ask the technical staff to authorize your SIMASTER account after you are assigned to update the page. Login page for updating the WCU website. Ask the technical staff to authorize your SIMASTER account after you are assigned to update the page.
Google Drive Links
Cloud storage affiliated with account to store document related to finance, regulation, planning, HR, and reports. All the documents stored in this folder is the final version and confidential for public unless otherwise stated. Cloud storage affiliated with account to store document related to program planning, implementation, monitoring, and report. All the documents stored in this folder is the final version and confidential for public unless otherwise stated. Cloud storage affiliated with account to store document related to data submitted to the ranking agencies and fact files released by the agencies. All the documents stored in this folder is the final version and confidential for public unless otherwise stated.
Subscription Portal
It is a benchmarking tool that is exclusive for the top performing institutions of the QS World University Rankings®. UGM subscribed the Academic Reputation Tracker and Employer Reputation Tracker which are part of QS Analytics for the period of 2019-2021 (3 years) THE DataPoints portal offers a range of interactive smart tools that provide simple yet deep insight into university’s performance in comparison with the other universities. UGM gain access to THE DataPoints+ for the period of 2020 (1 year) provided by Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. Information system to submit proposal to present at various QS event meeting
Listed questions and answers covering a variety of topics around the management of Tim Peningkatan Reputasi UGM. These are common questions tend to recur on the management including finance, HR, program management, organization, etc.